Expert advice

Stay safe and work from home!


There are key things to bear in mind while working when organizing your workspace.

-Be conscious about your seating. Your back will never forgive you for using a dining chair! Good chairs should support your back while allowing you to adjust your seat height.

-The work surface of your desk should be stable and not wobbly. A good desk should be designed in such a way to allow for mobility. Lastly if your budget allows, look into good quality height adjustable desks to allow better posture especially at home.

-Minimize clutter by having cabinets to put away unnecessary items on your desk, as studies have shown most people find clutter to be distracting hence a negative impact on productivity.


-Get up! Dress up! Show up! – have a regular sleeping routine that ensures you wake up energized and motivated. Also, wear something different to what you slept in and avoid working in your bedroom, this creates a mental shift from ā€˜rest timeā€™ to ā€˜work timeā€™. You can even wear your work attire!

-Have predefined work hours to help your family get used to the hours when youā€™re available to spend time with them and when youā€™re not. If youā€™re having trouble focusing on tasks online without getting sidetracked, you may consider downloading apps or browser plugins that may help minimize that.

-Beat procrastination! Clearly map out your day to help to get tasks done and preventing being sidetracked.


-Sleep is directly proportional to productivity. Sleeping better at night can help you feel more energized during the day and can help you accomplish tasks more effectively.

-Fitness – short of there being a lockdown at time of writing this, itā€™s essential to get out in nature and go for a run or walk whilst practicing social distancing. A daily dose of Vitamin D will do your immunity good. You can also stay active in your home by doing home exercises.

-Nutrition – In order to keep your system in check, itā€™s important to have a well-balanced diet and there are plenty of resources to help you out. Key tip is to plan your meals in advance, perhapswhen planning your work commitments.

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